Over a Decade of Evidence-Based Success
iLearn Math is research-based and backed by evidence to be the most effective mathematics instruction and practice curriculum.
Title I School Records Exceptional Gains in Sate Math Scores Using iLearn for Math Support
Rincon Elementary School (RES) in Effingham County, GA, is a Schoolwide Title I school located in a rural area in southeast Georgia.
RES has been using iLearn for several years and has achieved exceptionally large gains in student achievement on the GA CRCT by focusing on grades 4 and 5. In 2016, RES significantly increased the usage and fidelity of usage for its students in grade three. After using it sparingly for all its 3rd graders in 2015, averaging only 16 hours per student, they used it for 85% of 3rd graders in 2016, and averaged 41 hours per student. They achieved the goal of “full fidelity” with 54 of its 77 students in grade 3 using iLearn. This represented an opportunity to evaluate the impact of the increased use of iLearn Math on the Georgia Milestones, the new end of grade assessment used by the state of Georgia starting in the 2014-2015 school year.
iLearn Math Produces Exceptionally Large Gains in Student Achievement in One School Year
In the fall of 2004, iLearn Math was implemented in the sixth grade of a middle school in a rural area of Georgia. A total of 101 students participated, 51 of whom used iLearn Math. iLearn was used as primary instruction for these students for the entire school year. That is, their only math instruction was the classroom in which iLearn was used as the sole method of instruction. The remaining 50 students in the sixth grade received their normal classroom instruction (without iLearn Math). These students served as a “control” group to evaluate the impact of using iLearn Math with the other group.
Student Achievement Scores Increase Dramatically with iLearn Math
In the 2001-2002 school year, iLearn Math was implemented in a rural, high poverty Title I middle school in the state of Georgia with a high minority population. Seventy-four percent (74%) of the students in the district are eligible to receive free/reduced lunch. iLearn Math was implemented with entire classes in 2 computer labs with 20 computers in each lab. Each lab was staffed by a teacher. Neither teacher was certified in math; both taught business and career subjects. iLearn Math had not been used prior to the study in this school district.
Middle School Achieves 41 Percentage Point Gain on AYP Math Test
- From 2003 through 2008, Early County Middle School doubled the percentage of students who met or exceeded the standard on the math CRCT from 41% to 82%, a truly remarkable increase of 41 percentage points.
- During the same period, the percentage of all students in grades 6-8 in the state increased by less than 2 percentage points.
- In 2003, the school scored more than 27 percentage points below the state average. Now, students surpass the statewide average by 6 percentage points.
- Among the gains in the school was an increase of 52 percentage points for minority students and an increase of 47 percentage points for the number of students with disabilities meeting or exceeding the state standard.
Individual Prescription for Achieving Standards for Success
African-American students at Early County Middle School have closed the achievement gap with math gains of 52 percentage points - from 28% to 80% of students who meet or exceed the standard.
Students With Disabilities Say Goodbye to Achievement Gap in Math Gain 40 Percentage Points in AYP Scores
Students with disabilities (SWD) at Banks Stephens Middle School have closed the achievement gap with math gains of 41 percentage points - from 37% to 78% for students who meet or exceed the standard.
iLearn Math's Design Comes Directly From Decades of High-Quality Research
iPASS is a computer-based, web-enabled, math curriculum. However, the fact that it uses a computer for instruction is not the most important feature of iPASS. What is more important is the fact that iPASS is designed on the basis of purely educational considerations – evidence-based practices that have been proven to provide effective instruction, regardless of the method of delivery. This sets iPASS apart from virtually every other product available, since most other products are designed around the capabilities of the computer, with little regard to whether they embody effective instructional practices.